One of the reasons I dislike “linear” v. “holistic” is how misleading it is. I often see the claim, “‘if X, then Y’ is linear.” This often leads to the idea that “holistic” is essentially random and insane.
But, if you think about it in terms of balance, then “if the scale drops further on the right, I add to the left” is holistic. Watch a really good parent with a lot of bored kids in a waiting room. They are constantly making “if X, then Y” calculations. “If the four-year-olds are looking to me to entertain them and the infant has a dirty diaper, then I get the four-year-olds to entertain each other while I change the infant’s diaper.” The Universe, as we perceive it, is fundamentally about cause and effect. That’s how we make sense of the world whether we are mentally Yin or Yang.
“logistics v. balance” doesn’t work for me either, because logistics are about balance.