So I’ve started reading Middlemarch by George Eliot for the first time, and Holy Guacamole, it is so good! Every page has plot, and I’ve been really tempted to try and figure out the storyform(s) as I go. I’m only about a quarter of the way through the book, but my guesses are as follows:
Storyform 1: Dorothea Brooke’s Marriage Prospects
MC: Dorothea Brooke’s marriage to Mr. Casaubon (Universe)
IC: Will Ladislaw (Mind)
RS: Will and Dorothea Falling in Love (Psychology)
OS: (Physics)
MC resolve: Change
MC Growth:
MC Approach: Do-er?
PS-Style: Holistic
Driver: Decision
Limit: Optionlock
Judgement: Good
MC problem: (very preliminary) Trust
MC solution: Test
Storyform 2: A Doctor Comes to Town
MC: Tertius Lydgate and the no good, very bad marriage. (probably in Mind)
IC: Dorothea Brooke? (Universe)
RS: (Still too early to tell). (Physics)
OS: Town Politics of some kind (Psychology)
MC resolve:
MC Growth:
MC Approach: Be-er?
PS-Style: Linear
Judgement: Bad
If anyone has any feedback or ideas, please throw them out there!