My talking points, Storytelling and Problem Solving with Dramatica

So I have used Dramatica to create a speech for a talk I will be giving in the capital city Kampala of my Country Uganda. I’m no expert on Dramatica but I’ve tried my best to keep accuracy to the theory based on the theory book and articles and videos from Melanie Anne Phillips and @jhull. @TerryVog probably this can give you an example of how to apply Dramatica to non fiction writing,

I personally experimenting with applying Dramatica to all forms of communication. I didn’t use the software to come up with my talking points.

Topic: Storytelling and Problem Solving with Dramatica Theory of Story

Signpost One

Point One

Learning – What is a story? Raise your hand, can anyone here define what a story is? What is your favorite story at the moment? What are you watching at the moment? Is it what is happening at the world cup or elsewhere? Why do you like that story? - Consider

Point two –

Progress – I will define what a story is according to dramatica. Reconsider – how dramatica defines a story

Point three

Feeling – Conscious – Contemplation - Raise your hand if you are facing a certain problem or challenge in your life. Raise your hand if you’ve ever faced a problem or challenge in your lifetime. -

Point four

Logic – Conceiving I present the idea that a problem is not a real thing. It is how we look at problems that makes them a problem. - Do you all agree? - Let’s take an issue like sexual harassment. - Do you think sexual harassment is a problem?
Is it a problem for every one? - What about a rapist? Do you think he saw it a problem. He saw it as an opportunity to satisfy a desire he had and it didn’t matter how he satisfied that desire. - Do you think everyone sees sexual harassment as a problem? - Are there are those who benefit from abusing ladies? - So if we had a story about the negative effects of sexual harassment on children. The people against sexual harassment could be the protagonists and those who commit sexual offences would be the bad guys. -

Signpost Two

Point five
preconscious – – so it’s how we justify things that creates the problem or solution. So in story telling, the characters are not real people, they are just different ways our minds try to justify certain things. - Any questions - feeling

Point six –

Understanding – How do people come up with stories? - Any answer is welcome. - How do you think they came up with black panther? - What about a story like game of thrones? - Consider -

Point seven

Present - Logic – there are 8 essential questions that can help us come up with a story –

Point eight

Reconsider – Developing a plan – somebody give us a story idea that we can develop together. Because of time I will favor certain responses over others. - Conceptualizing

Signpost three:

Point nine

Obtaining – Logic – Story telling helps us understand certain situations from different perspectives. It heps us understand the settings, the motivations behind why certain characters or if we reflect it into real life behave the way they behave. Stories give us a deeper understanding of each other particularly if you engage in creative writing yourself.

Point ten
Consider – Ways you can apply the Dramatica theory of story, - Future -
Fiction, non-fiction, essays, poetry, can help you learn to frame your CV writing, reality television, therapy, screen writing, biographies, any form of information gathering, presentation and communication, television shows
I used dramatica to prepare this session. You could become a dramatica story expert and help others learn the theory and use it to plan different media projects

Point eleven
Feeling – subconscious – dramatica or learning how to tell great stories is not the easiest thing to learn but it can benefit you in many ways, and with the guidance available online and from myself we can grow to collaborate on different projects

Point twelve
Reconsider –
Becoming – and another benefit, dramatica says by analyzing the process of justification, we can change how we look at certain things, the problems may not disappear but how we look at them can change, or we can consider different perspectives of looking at certain issues –

Signpost Four

Point thirteen,

Doing - Consider – How do I get started with using Dramatica as a brainstorming, problem solving tool? There’s a site called, there are also 100s of videos on youtube talking about Dramatica,

Point fourteen

Memory – But I’m not a writer or story teller, all you have to bring to the table is to understand the dramatica term and then apply them to the way you see things, dramatica works with how you see things, justification, and then they are 100s of tools online that you can use to improve the quality of your expression, story structure and then story tellings, -

Point fifteen

Past – Feeling – I wasn’t the most intuitive writer, but the more I went online and googled and found different information I learned from it. They are 100s of sites with writing information these days besides dramatica.

Point sixteen

Signpost 4 – Being – Logic – Don’t be afraid to try out creative writing, there’s a lot you can learn from it and the principles of Dramatica can be applied to many areas of your life outside the world of fiction

Look at the document I’ve attached for more information.
rotaract - creative writing talk.pdf (422.4 KB)

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This is interesting. Are you using a storyform to argue a message, or are you choosing random Storypoints to help define your talk?

I used a storyform. I attached a PDF above that explains the process in greater detail. I’ll post the rest of the process later on today.
I started with finding the quad that best defined what I wanted to say.

Problem - consider
solution - reconsider
Focus - feeling
Direction - logic

I take the role of influence character perspective
my audience is the main character perspective

It’s a success good story which a changed main character.

The crucial element is consider.

Os perspective concern - learning
Mc perspective concern - conscious
Ic perspective concern - present
Rs perspective concern - conceiving

Quite a brilliant use of Dramatica and method for speechwriting to effect change in your audience. This seems to illustrate the use of Dramatica storyform as Propaganda.

Propaganda: a storyforming/storytelling technique used to impact an audience in specific ways, often employed to instigate deliberation and/or action. (Dramatica) (From the Dramatica Theory Book re: Story Reception:

In the article I cite above, it notes “Propaganda is a wonderful and dangerous story device.”

Hmmm. No doubt the narrative our President Trump touts stems from this kind of use of story. Glad you’re looking to using it for better purposes–positive purposes–rather corrosive and destructive ones.

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The audience = main character and the speaker = influence character. This is very interesting and creative. It makes sense from a propaganda POV. @jhull does this make sense from a Dramatica POV? Is it ‘legal’? Within Dramatica rules, so to speak?

Yes, if you listen to the analysis of Sicko, this is exactly Michael Moore does - positions the Audience as MC and forces the “Changed” Resolve in regards to healthcare.

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This looks really interesting and I applaud you for doing it. But I think something is wrong with your storyform.

You can’t have a Problem quad of these elements:

… with these Concerns:

Did you use the software to generate the storyform?

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@mlucas You’re right. I made a mistake. The problem quad and the concerns aren’t consistent. I’ll redo it again so that someone can build up on it. it’s a fundamental mistake I made.

I didn’t use the software. I don’t use the software most of the time.

I had the talk yesterday. It went well. I talked for about 40 minutes I got to about point 10.

The audience liked what I shared. I’I’ll be sharing with them articles on dramatica.


I helped a friend brainstorm an event using Dramatica also. I’ll share the story form soon and how I used it to generate even a hypothetical program lineup or schedule of activities for the event.



Sounds great! Please share…

These pictures are AWESOME!