New films for analysis?

I think it would be very, very interesting to analyze Pulp Fiction because of that. Is it one story? Three stories? Two stories and a tale? Or three tales? Is something missing? And what would be the effect of the missing elements.

How about analyzing The Sweet Hereafter or Pulp Fiction once we finish Birdman?

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I’d prefer The Sweet Hereafter, but I think we should probably tackle Elysium first. Too many pans on the stove. No Way Out would be awesome too. I’m not even sure if Tom Farrell is the MC or the IC…

Maybe in No Way Out, the question is Antagonist or Protagonist? The audience, definitely, experiences the story through him.

Oh right, that’s a good point. Makes a lot more sense.

Anyone up for ‘Song of the Sea’ or ‘Calvary’? Both great Irish films with stories that feel ‘complete’ to me.

As amazing as Gleeson’s performance was in ‘Calvary,’ I think it was thin in the IC and OS departments. Father James’ relationships with the various members of his parish belonged to separate stories and never cohered into one unified ‘big picture’ (IMO - it’s just that I’ve been unable to identify the OS goal).

I certainly wouldn’t mind analyzing it – I think it’s important to analyze impressive films even if their storyforms aren’t complete. It helps us to identify what went right / wrong and why, as well as what could have been better had the argument been tighter.

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Just watched ‘Song of the Sea.’ Great stuff. There are a few hiccups / shortcuts in the real-time plotting, but I highly suspect there’s a complete storyform in there.

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I’m up for a discussion on either of those if you are. Would welcome suggestions on how to go about doing that.

Maybe it would be useful to analyze a group of films from a single writer/director. For example, Quentin Tarantino, P.T. Anderson, Wes Anderson, Christopher Nolan. I think it would be interesting to find out if they are drawn to certain storyforms.

Great idea. Almost all of Christopher Nolans stuff is in the Past/Understanding/Memory/Concept quad.

How about adding a few more foreign language titles to the official archives?

From Italy: Bicycle Thieves, or Umberto D.
From South Korea: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring, or Mother
From China (Hong Kong): Ip Man, or In the Mood For Love
From Japan: Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald, or The Ballad of Narayama
From Canada: Mommy, or La grande séduction (Seducing Dr. Lewis)
From Russia: The Return, or Leviathan

For the forum discussions, now that we’ve done Elysium, I’d be ready to give The Sweet Hereafter, or No Way Out a try… anyone interested?

Hi, @Jerome. I love The Sweet Hereafter. Count me in.

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Cool. Let’s watch the film in the next couple of days to refresh our memories and start on Monday with The Sweet Hereafter. How does that sound?

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To include in next year’s list of DUG Analyses, definitely Ex Machina.

How about Mad Max Fury Road ?

That would take all of three minutes to analyze. LOL. (Fantastic movie, btw)

If that’s the case, then we should do it here on line. It’s extremely helpful to get an analysis under your belt. Because even the easy ones take hours when you haven’t done it before.

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I guess what I meant is that it is not too terribly deep in terms of story thematics. What little storyform there is has been done a million times. But we can certainly do it if you want.

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Maybe it’s a tale?

I’d like to find out that and also which elements are present.

Awesome movie, especially in 3D.

Agreed. I broke out the discussion into a new topic.