Not all illustrations are born the same

For learning how to put throughlines into domains you could try the below trick. It’s a great way to learn. You don’t have to do the whole storyform, just the throughline domains to start. (if you get Domains right you could go for Concerns too, and any other points you think you understand, e.g. Resolve, Outcome, Judgment.)

Plus, what’s better than watching movies and getting to call it homework? :slight_smile:

Wow, that’s interesting. I had been proceeding with the idea that I’d better be careful, because if I’m even a little off, (like Decision vs. Action) I’ll be messing up the whole plot with the wrong PSR. I guess I feel reassured.

This absolutely has been my experience. If I knew how much this would be true when I picked it up last year, I kind of wonder if I would have done so. (But then there are the aha moments…)

At some point here when I can better formulate question, I want to start a new thread about the best way to approach Dramatica for writing at any given stage of one’s understanding.


Find a Holistic person to challenge you. One of you change, one of you remain steadfast, then decide if you succeeded or failed and whether it was good or bad, of course! :smile:


Whatever keeps the words moving out of you, via typing, handwriting or recording.

I know this illustration of Wisdom, Skill, Experience, Enlightenment is from a while ago, @MWollaeger, but this is such a helpful illustration that I wanted to thank you for posting it.

Also, I really like the way you summarise it at the end:

I’ve been using this method of starting at the end of each act and things are flowing much better. Thank you for sharing your different approach.

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You are very welcome!