Paths to write a new story. Choosing first genre and setting

Hello, @jhull. I’m starting to read the Story Assembly thread and something grabbed my attention. You wrote:

"For better results we shouldn't have even looked at the storyform yet before choosing genre and setting. Everyone will naturally start making connections between things. "

In addition to the Story Guide, which path/paths do you recommend to follow when starting to write a new story? And why?

Thank you very much.


That was only in context of doing the Story Assembly (Story Embroidery) exercise. I just have always found that people focus more on making connections between the Gists and their original terms rather than using the Gists for what they are – a way to get away from the original term.

I would use whatever it takes to get your first draft down. I don’t spend much time with the Character Builder stuff because I don’t feel like that is a weak spot in my writing. I used to in the beginning of learning Dramatica so I can learn all the different terms and what they mean–but now, I don’t use it at all.

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