Yeah I agree – it’s hard to see Lightning as a Be-er. The only possible one I can think of would be in the visualization scenes (“I am speed”) but that seems a little weak.
On reflection, I am still pretty comfortable with the OS in Physics. I don’t really see the whole story as a Universe story as far as I understand that. The conflict doesn’t really seem to arise from everyone being stuck in a situation, or there being some kind of imbalance or injustice in the world that needs to righted.
Also, looking at it again, our working storyform sets LM’s Issue as Preconception:
a prejudice that prevents one from entertaining information contrary to a held conclusion. When one shuts one’s mind to additional data, there is no way to realize that the conclusion might be in error. Contradictory observation no longer becomes part of experience, so experience ceases to grow. Obviously, this can lead to all kinds of actions and attitudes that work to the detriment of oneself and others.
I think this actually is what we’re seeing when we’re thinking of Mind and/or Attitude for McQueen (and the OS Issue is Attitude anyway).
I’m starting to think Occam’s Razor applies here – we found a storyform that fits almost everything, and it would make sense that a movie like this would be in Physics, with Action drivers. I still haven’t gone back to encode the signposts though.