Glad we got the dynamics hammered out so fast.
I didn’t mean to imply heaviness in the concerns. Just meant that in regards to growth.
I’d agree that Neal and Del seem to be on the Universe / Mind continuum. They’re both guys who are stuck in some sense. And they share the commonality of being away from home during the Holidays.
With that, did you want to go for the lightning round and jump straight to the bottom of the chart?
Maybe it would be easier to talk in non-Dramatica terms. What do you think the problem is and what solves it?
Everyone seems to be in their own worlds and not caring about others. Almost out for themselves or inconsiderate of other’s needs.
- the Lawyer and the cab
- the Braidwood Inn guy not paying attention and switching the cards
- the Marathon lady who refuses Neal
- the Motel Clerk who won’t give them a room unless they have a few bucks and a nice watch
- the State Trooper who impounds their car.
It’s like there’s always this appeal to people’s good nature, and it never works.
The solution has to be something with Neal realizing Del is homeless and bringing him home with him.