Continuing the discussion from How similar must plural MC or hand off IC characters be?:
Phew - Glad I found this! I just finished reading a script where I found it difficult to assign who the MC was as there were two candidates - a Husband and Wife. They really didn’t seem to be MC/IC - but together they seemed to be a very good MC.
Am I right in thinking that the relationship itself could be the Main Character? “The Couple” (collective noun) being the MC which has its own problem, its own viewpoints etc. From what we see of the relationship, we get the “inside look” at that relationship. Also, there seems to be a distinct Impact Character that exists outside the relationship (in the form of another couple) who seem to argue the other side of approach.
Am I barking up the wrong tree here? Can a couple be an MC in its own right?
Cheers all,