Recs for short media that are complete stories

Any recommendations for short films, tv episodes (30min or less), or short stories that nonetheless fulfill being dramatica complete (four throughlines).

How compact and efficiently can a complete story be told?

I remember Jim’s article on Sandpiper.

I felt like the Pickle Rick episode of Rick and Morty was a complete story
(OS: Smith family going to therapy without rick, situation; MC: Rick, activity; IC: therapist, psychology (lol); RS: clashing life philosophies, mind)

any other exemplary examples come to mind?

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I think there was a Twilight Zone epidsode that’s supposed to be fairly complete. I think maybe Time Enough At Last is the name of it.

I am not sure about this, but maybe the Happy Prince based on Oscar Wilde short story:

(However OS is a bit weak… )

I bet some of the Peter Gunn episodes would be, with the music being individually so well crafted. The husband’s watching the re-runs, so I’ll keep an eye out for the more complicated, satisfying ones.

I’ll mention this in case you’ve overlooked it somehow, for the sake of completeness. The very first episode of The Simpsons, a Christmas episode called “Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire,” is a complete story and is incorporated in the Dramatica software.


Jim mentioned in another article that the “Sam and the Firefly” does a good job of telling as much of a complete story as a picture book is able to tell.

He had this to say about Sam (the MC) and Gus (the IC): “Two approaches: one driven by doing what is right, the other driven by doing what is most fun. The two approaches battle it out until eventually, one gives way to the other. Gus changes his approach and the outcome that ensues happens because of that change. The events and choices made mean something.”

He later mentions: “Sam and the Firefly is no masterpiece, yet it works far better than the insidious Scuffy the Tugboat because it endeavors to say something meaningful. It doesn’t rely on chance to save the day. It doesn’t disrespect the audience.”


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Maybe Barney Miller Season 4 | Episode 3, BUG. Maybe, two intertwined tales equals a storyform?

@chuntley has said that many early Simpsons episodes are complete.

My son recently binged watched a bunch of Community. I haven’t actually done analysis but a lot of those episodes felt like they had complete arguments (MC, IC, change, etc.)

Peter Gunn episode, “Last Resort”, seems to have a remarkable tiny MC/IC encounter and resolution, where the MC seques into a player of the objective story, seamlessly. There seems to be lot of trade off that works well. The beginning sets up the relationship, and it seems to be the objective story, as it is discussed with the private detective. Then, it manifests as a RS in some small fantastic scenes with fantastic acting. I was amazed how this seemed a complete story form with an economy of time and characters. It has much more depth and breadth than one would expect in a half hour. There might be some things not developed and/or missing, but I bet it is close.

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Peter Gunn, Year 1, episode 6, The Chinese Hangman … The last few minutes seem to reveal the real mc/ic dynamic, with the other characters the objective story and seemingly being a tale. The last three minutes seemed to reveal a whole dynamic that the viewer is not aware of, until then. Maybe not perfect, but it was rather well-done as a twist. It is interesting to think about maybe ‘twists’ make a tale into a story form.

Peter Gunn episode: THE LEAPER Season 1, Episode 15
The last scene might create a strong ss, totally unrelated to the os. The os seems very developed. This might be one of the best episodes in the series.

I vaguely recall thinking that the ‘One For the Angels’ episode had a fairly solid storyform, too. I’d have to rewatch it to be sure but I remember being surprised at how much of the dramatica terminology was being used (and in the correct quads).

This one panel comic might be in the running.

Peter Gunn episode, The Ugly Frame, S1 Ep24 is worth checking out. It was very well done and complex for being so short. There might be a story form. Peter Gunn writing seems to use backstory and plot update info in words by the characters. Maybe, that is where some of the story form is. I do not know if that is allowed by the ‘theory’, I assume so.