IC characters are famous for changing off-screen. This makes sense… we’re focused on the MC and don’t need the journey of the IC unless it’s wrapped up in an empowered ice queen belting out her newfound liberation. (Why do she and Dr. Manhattan take their icy-blue power and use it as an excuse to isolate themselves in crystalline castles? Don’t want to give anything away, but I’m working on Watchmen 2 and you will find out! Here’s a sneak preview of Olaf in his Rorschach mask: )
Anyway. Suppose you did want to put in a moment of the IC getting a glint of why the MC’s perspective works. What story point would you lean on?
One option is the Crucial Element. One is the MC Direction/Response and the subsequent dip in conflict (which is the IC Crucial Element, incidentally). I mean, there are lots of options. But has anyone tackled this question?