RS originally called Subjective story

Why was the RS throughline originally called the Subjective story throughline?

I’ve read that each throughline is a perspective from which someone would consider a problem- I (MC), you (IC), they (OS), we (RS), so “we” and “I” are subjective. Maybe RS was called that because OS is called the Objective throughline and they are dynamic pairs?

It could be confusing though, since I think “I” is the most subjective POV of all.

I interpret it to mean the emotional aspect of the overall story argument is expressed in this throughline. The non-emotional aspect is expressed in the Objective. Subjective would mean something which has a subjective bias.

Yes, so you had the Objective Story throughline counterbalanced by the Subjective Story throughline. Relationship Story throughline is a bit more…relatable. :wink:

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Thanks everyone for your responses :slight_smile:

I’m trying to crack the RS perspective nut and maybe having a logical explanation as to why it was called the subjective story (back in the day) would give me the key for that perspective. So, I’m one step closer now. :slight_smile:


There are a number of ways to look at the relationship between the throughlines. Here’s one:

  • The Objective Story throughline is the dispassionate exploration of group dynamics
  • The Subjective Story throughline is the passionate exploration of group dynamics
  • The Main Character throughline is the personal exploration of individual dynamics
  • The Influence Character throughline is the impersonal exploration of individual dynamics

Another way to look at the four throughlines:

  • The OS is the outside view of the outside
  • The SS is the inside view of the outside
  • The MC is the inside view of the inside
  • The IC is the outside view of the inside

Neither of the above sets are perfect, because each throughline is not just a mirror of its dynamic opposite, nor are they fully symmetrical even using the internal logic of each set, but they provide a different sense for what the I, YOU, WE, and THEY perspectives mean in the context of Dramatica’s throughlines.


The Subjective Story emphasized the place in the story. It was the one term that made the most sense as far as terminology went for many software users, the place in the story coupled with character dynamics. When the term was upped to Relationship Story, there was an outcry of surprise, “Why!?” among many. I guess some new users needed that bridge spelling it out. In those days there was a phone number to talk over any of your storyforming and interpreting it into storytelling with a person. I can just imagine how many times he was asked to explain what the Subjective Story was all about, even though spelled out in the theory book. Hence, Relationship Story, inelegant but ulitarian, if not as deep.


Subjective perception and dealings while navigating the Objective Overall story with all the other characters.

Great to have a historical account of the evolution of SS>>RS! Makes me appreciate the amount of time and effort and thought that went into developing it. :star2:

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Thank you!!

I’m sure you’ve answered this type of question a thousand times offline and online in different ways. Gotta hand it to you and @jhull for having the patience of saints as you repeat all these minute details.

I really appreciate it. :sparkles: