According to Sam’s Facebook page, Sam Potter died yesterday of a heart attack. Sam has been part of the for over ten years and a pleasure with whom to interact. He will be missed.
Gosh, that’s terrible news. I had lost touch with him as I haven’t been on G+ that much since everything migrated over here. Loved watching his little films he put together. Prayers to his family, especially his daughters whom I know he adored.
Just found an obituary already posted online.
Thank you for letting us know. That is sad news indeed.
Sad to hear. Thank you for telling us.
Oh my God. That’s devastating to hear. I loved having him participate in the Users Group Meetings and considered him an online friend - he used to get on when it was close to Midnight his time and would try to stay awake for the whole entire thing. He was always positive and always had great points to contribute.
This is really really sad.
So, so sad to hear of Sam’s passing. Always has something of note to say, and said it well.
This topic just popped up in suggested topics at the bottom of the page. Sam Potter…that name always brought an eagerness to read what he just posted. It was always going to be good and of a help. We miss you Sam. Thank you for your words. They were a gift.