Working with Closure, Denial, Hope and Dream.
One way to treat a quad is to take each member of the dynamic pair and measure it against the blended pair. In this case I’d be measuring Closure against something called HopeDream and Denial against something called HopeDream. This is the spatial POV.
From the temporal POV when you’re moving through a Z pattern in the quad, you also can get three beats instead of two by taking the slide as Closure-> HopeDream -> Denial.
So what does it mean to blend them? Here’s my take on it.
Hope and dream are great to work with to understand this because in our lives, we blend them, we confuse them. We get mad when someone calls our plans to be Michael Jordan a ‘dream’ when we consider it a plan, a realistic hope that we are taking steps to accomplish. If we just practice every day… When you insult me by calling it a ‘dream’ you’re calling into question my judgement, my sense of reality, my intelligence, my delusional hope–I see it as you crushing my hopes, you see it as gently issuing a summons from reality, you’re needed back on planet Earth. I see it as your lack of respect for my heart, you see as concern for my well being.
Great example from real life: young Barack had to give up his dream of being a great basketball player, he just didn’t have the chops, couldn’t even make his high school team, and it really crushed him. Turns out he had this other hope, though, which while it was improbable happened to fall within reality.
So HopeDream happens when we can’t tell the difference yet, because of where our POV is. We’re at a point before they separate and we can tell the difference. Time and events will resolve HopeDream into one or the other, but not both; or separate Hope and Dream or pull them apart, and then you’ll see the difference between them but right now you can’t, you won’t, or you just don’t.
So when you see a blended pair, you are seeing it before you have reached a point where your POV can separate them. Separating them can be a story point.
Something you can ask: what’s wrong with your POV that it’s blurring the two, because the problem isn’t in the HopeDream, the problem is in the POV, which seems compromised by…love, or hope, or fear, or panic, or doubt. Something is interfering with seeing the real character of the idea which will resolve to either Hope or Dream, but only after the point in time when things change so that the POV is no longer compromised, after an element drops away that was causing the confusion.
think of a second blurry Vaselined lens between the camera lens and the object, blurring because why worry about getting all those lines in your face right, so we see the difference between Face and Line, let’s just blur them together because it will be prettier and much more pleasant.