Should one maintain similar domains for sub plots

If I’m writing a story with sub story forms should I the domain configurations remain consistent to give the story a similar feel of can I have one story form with universe in the OS and another story form with mind in the OS.

Im biased to think you can have different throughline configurations for different sub plots in your narrative.

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Would they each have different main and impact characters?

According to Jim’s recent analysis, The Empire Strikes Back has two storyforms, one in Physics (Han/Leia) and another in Psychology (Luke/Yoda). So I think that proves that not only can it be done, but you can get cool results.


they could be the same mc and ic characters but they could be supporting characters who play the mc and ic in a sub plot of story form that runs concurrently with the main story form

I’ll be experimenting with that to see what comes up

No problem whatsoever mixing them up. An argument is the basis for a storyform - a story is not a basis for an argument.