Wow, what a fantastic show!
Okay, for anyone else reading along, there will obviously be BIG SPOILERS from here on out.
Before getting into Driver, a note about the RS. There were definitely two RS relationships (one with the mother and Esty, one with Yanky and Esty). The mother-daughter one, though it had a lot less screen time, really got me.
In terms of First Driver, I’m not sure whether it’s:
- Etsy being matched with Yanky. This puts basically everything inside the story.
- Etsy finding out she’s pregnant (if you want you could include the conception in this too). This would mean the wedding and everything else beforehand is backstory.
The second one feels better, and drives some big decisions. Her escape of course, and even Yanky telling her he wants a divorce seemed driven by her “morning sickness” symptoms forcing her to leave the family gathering.
But the first one has some legs too. After her escape, she’s not in any of the same scenes with Yanky until the very end, and he’s a great candidate IC (two sides of same coin), or at least shared IC. So putting the first Driver earlier has more potential for IC and RS signposts. (Not saying you can’t have IC or RS signposts without them together, but it does make it easier.)
Do you feel the Driver is Action or Decision? I’m leaning towards Action because I felt like her song was the Final Driver. The scene with Yanky afterwards, where she tells him she can’t go back, could maybe be seen as a decision (?). But that felt more to me like wrapping up the RS, and maybe IC Resolve, than the Final Driver.
I could be wrong about any of this though. We only finished watching it last night, and I find less than 24 hours of space after finishing a story is dicey for analysis.