STOP: What it means in Erin Brockovich

Hello guys.
Sorry, I’m not much active here.


I watched Erin Brockovich last time.

Still a great movie.

For the purpose of this question, let me spoiler you that:

Erin is a steadfast / stop character.
She has a focus of control and a direction of uncontrolled.

Her problem is help.

I get that Erin’s problems stem from people who try to control her (changing of her looks, her manners) so she acts uncontrolled.

As the story goes, she realizes she’s driven to help people.
She brings success to the O.S. by being open to new solutions for the O.S. problem.

This is the Main Character Throughline

Main Character Throughline: Universe

Main Character Concern: Future

Main Character Issue: Preconception vs. Openness

Main Character Problem: Help

Main Character Solution: Hinder

Main Character Symptom: Control

Main Character Response: Uncontrolled

Main Character Unique Ability: Openness

Main Character Critical Flaw: Ability

What I don’t get is what being a Stop character means in the O.S.

According to the analysis I’ve found on, the O.S. story is the following:

Compensation from PG&E

Overall Story Throughline: Physics

Overall Story Concern: Obtaining

Overall Story Issue: Self-Interest vs. Morality

Overall Story Problem: Pursuit

Overall Story Solution: Avoid

Overall Story Symptom: Control

Overall Story Response: Uncontrolled

My question is: What’s the influence of Erin being a Stop character here?

That people should stop pursuing compensation from PG&E? (seems not the case).

__Well, if someone can help me clarify that I would appreciate it a lot._:blush:

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I haven’t seen it yet (I’m slowly moving through the long list of Dramatica-endorsed movies), but just going off a wikipedia synopsis my guess would be that she’s “holding out for PG&E to stop lying”. She’s pursuing them to get compensation, and they’re coming up with all these excuses and lies to throw everything off. By the end, the lies are dismissed and they get the compensation that will hopefully prevent (avoidance) anything happening again.

It depends on how exactly the OS has been illustrated in the finished film, but that seems to be the strongest suggestion to me.

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Hello, I think you’re right.
I thought that myself.

Maybe the title - Compensation from PG&E - is a little misleading, then, don’t you think?

How do you mean?

Again, I’ve only read a wikipedia summary, but that definitely seems to be the goal of the movie that everyone is concerned with. PG&E’s excuses are to protect themselves from giving out that compensation (OS Issue of Self Interest).

I think you’re right. Compensation from PG&E is definitely everyone’s concern in the story. My bad.Thank you very much.

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