Hi all,
Wondering if anyone can help me with some reference ideas.
Can anyone think of good to great movies where a fair amount of the OS throughline is a bigger, more epic story than that of the MC. The MC still has a complete arc, and is involved with the OS, but at a more local level, while there is a lot going on in a wider context.
In my case, the MC/IC/RC story is within a small part of the galaxy, while I would like to cover a conflict over the entire galaxy at the same time, which is related to the MC, but the MC, at this stage, is not what the entire conflict revolves around.
I just want to see if it’s possible to have such a story that works effectively.
I mean the first Star Wars is kind of like this, in that the Empire isn’t particularly focused on Luke, but all the main OS characters still come into close contact with him, so it’s still quite close-knit overall*, whereas i’m wondering if parts of the OS can be more separate (but thematically, and Dramatica-lly consistent).
Phew, sorry about the essay! Any thoughts would be appreciated.
*Also wondering if this is just a budgetary constraint, limiting number of sets etc, rather than purely a storytelling choice.