Hi Writegeist,
I’m gonna brainstorm with you, I hope that’s okay.
So if the OVERALL STORY CONCERN is Having an Intuitive Understanding of Oneself
And it effects everyone, the question I’d start asking myself is WHEN does understanding yourself become a problem?
Then start playing with the fodder we already have on the table
1930s Depression era
Voice Actors
CEO types like Mr. Fleischer
Well, one thing that leaps to mind is confidence or lack there of.
If you think you’re really good at what you do but you know there’s 50 people/men down on the breadline who could do what you do, would you ever act like a prima donna?
What if you are responsible for a company and men are the bread winners, how can you justify hiring a woman? What kind of man are you?
What if you know you are a sweet gentle soul, but you have to be the opposite to get what you want or need? Could you do it?
What if you know you are an angry SOB, can you hide it?
What if you KNOW in your soul that you are meant to be an artist, but door keep slamming in your face?
Everyone knows their ass is on the line because of the times they are in. Everyone is scared. What if that fear makes everyone act like Little Mary Sunshine and they don’t like it cause they know it’s not who they really are?
These, of course, are only a few tidbitty ideas. What have you got?