I seem to be on the upswing of the obsess-on-Dramatica-then abandon-it-to-get-some-writing-done-then-return-to-question-everything loop.
For various reasons, I’m dusting off an old completed story for which I’ve never found an adequate story form and–though things seem pretty quiet around here–I thought maybe someone could offer some insight.
Inspired by shonen and shoujo rom coms, the story has 2 MCs driven by their emotional and social isolation in a hostile setting.
The MMC is focused on how, as an outsider, he can never be accepted and responds by trying to avoid conflict by keeping a low profile. His IC tells him that he needs to be bolder and that he’ll never be happy or reach his potential without taking risks.
The FMC is focused on her inadequacies and responds by trying to be perfect in order to meet everyone’s unrealistic expectations. Her IC tells her she needs to worry less about what others want and focus more on what she wants for herself.
The story feels like a Change Start story for the first act, but Stop Steadfast for most of the rest of it. The conflict in the OS is caused by the 2 MCs following their ICs’ advice and forming a relationship. The second act consists of them resisting everyone’s hostility until the OS characters are forced to accept their relationship.
The second half involves them finding wider acceptance in public careers which slowly drives a wedge between them. Their relationship is only saved when they throw those careers away in a dramatic Hollywood fashion. Afterward, they are only publicly redeemed by the efforts of the friends they won back in the first half.
Not that unusual of a story, so it shouldn’t be that hard to identify, but after hundreds of story forms, the right one still eludes me.