I feel you.
I too was at a spot where the theory was so captivating that it kept me curious and interested, but I was also frustrated because the theory’s application is a different ball game. For that, I took the plunge - similar to @Prish - and worked with consultant expert @jhull. Though I’ve had to break the consultation into pieces time-wise and budget-wise, my goodness, what a difference it has made! I feel far more confident in applying the theory and am extra excited to have a firm handle of at least a chunk of it. I’m making progress instead of spinning my wheels.
Practice, practice, practice with what you have grasped - is my advice.
If you can’t afford a consultant at the moment, @jhull has a whole lot of excellent material on his NarrativeFirst website which gives practical application guidance. The podcasts are really helpful too. I know it’s a lot of time but the satisfaction you will get from applying the elements more smoothly will alleviate the frustration. (Who knew I’d be saying this 5 months on!!)
If I had to add in a gripe, which might be what you too have, it would be that I wish the Dramatica developers would just stick to one grouping of terminology. I know we have the option to change the preferences in the software from the old terms to the newest terms but honestly, it doesn’t really matter what the terms are, IMO. Why? The terms are anchors.
Having said that, some terms do need to clarification, lol!! Though there’s the forum dictionary, the definitions are overly wordy. It’s easy to get lost in the explanation of the definition and come away still not getting it. Another difficulty is when the elements are in the negative. Boy, those words can be a total stumbling block. A simple explanation of each element in the negative would be ideal. Indeed, a simple explanation for all the elements would be amazing!
Fortunately, help will soon be at hand via The Atomizer. I believe @jhull has that very goal on his To Do list.
Ultimately, I’ve come to see Dramatica as an evolving structure of story, much more enriching to use than the simple Hero’s Journey structure.
Hope that helps!!