…now I’m able to actually sit down and write this stinkin story, it seems. When going back and forth between an empty screen and my pages upon pages of Dramatica notes and trying to figure out how I’m going to cram in domains and concerns and issues and counter issues and problems and symptoms and benchmarks and worrying if I’m working on the right parts of the thematic conflict in this sign post and how I should work in the PSR etc, etc, etc, I don’t get much done. Without many of the notes I’ve spent the last month or so on to look at, though, I’m forced to take what I know about my story and start writing. And it feels great. Losing those notes is the best thing that could have happened to this story.
I know many of you probably already know when to look at Dramatica and when to put it down (pretty sure I’ve seen it brought up several times on here), but stepping away has not been part of my process to date. It’s awesome that I already know pretty much everything that needs to happen and can go about creatively expressing that rather than allowing myself to get caught up in the cold logistics of making sure every Dramatica point is properly and thoroughly addressed.
I knocked out the first (very short) chapter tonight without looking at Dramatica once and can already see how much better it was because I wasn’t chained to my notes while working on it. And now that I’ve got something that was mostly created in the moment while driven by a deep understanding of what needed to be said, I can already see how I can go back in the second draft and use my storyform to really punch it up and make sure everything is on point. I might need to add a bit more here and there to emphasize a couple things, but that’s it. So a second draft (at least on the fist chapter) should be a breeze!
Sorry for the long post to anyone who made it this far. It’s just that I had a new and different experience and was really excited about it. Just wanted to share in case it might help any others who are chained to their notes as I tend to be.