An old friend, Tom Barbash, just published a novel that’s getting great reviews. Set in 1980 in the Dakota, the character is a young guy just back from the Peace Corp, his father’s a talk show host who just walked off the air after a nervous breakdown, and his neighbor is John Lennon.
My novel’s set a few years later in 1983, for reasons that will be obvious as more of the story is complete. That’s the year I was working with Tom at DDB and on the Mondale campaign–and as a result of that, he’s a minor character in my story. I haven’t seen Tom since the late 1980s so this was a bit of a surprise–except not, because is the time when those books will be written, of course. So, read the novel written by the minor character in my novel. I’m five chapters in (umm, into his novel although, oddly enough, I’ve also written five chapters of my novel CHAAYSUS this is complicated) – it’s wonderful.