I’m looking to join in on some of the User Group Meetings this year. I live on the east coast. Its not clear from the time posting on the web page — but as most of you seem to be on the west coast I presume the 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. time is Pacific Coast Time? Would that be a correct assumption?
You are correct, Brendan: The 7:00-9:30 times are for the West Coast. But we definitely do have East-Coasters participating, albeit from 10:00 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. your time (they sometimes exit a little earlier than 12:30, just to get some of that silly little thing called “sleep”!).
Thank you Keypatton. I’m so glad you clarified. As it is, assuming it was PST, I entered them into my calendar… wrong. Wrote them in at 4:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Doooh! I think I need an assistant to do my scheduling for me.
Who is the webmaster here? I’d like to suggest adding PST following time posting on the User Group page, or any other meeting that is available through Google+.
Follow-up question. Is the viewing of the movie, that you all do prior to the meeting, also broadcast on Google +?
No, the movie is not shown online. Yes I’ll update to add PST.
Thanks Jim. Other east coasters will appreciate the clarification.