When I choose an Issue then go to to the sliders, Counterpoint is always “unchosen item.” How do I fix that?
For your Counterpoint, always use the appreciation that is the Dynamic Pair opposite of whatever Issue you have chosen. For example, if your OS Issue is Ability, then your OS Counterpoint should be Desire (you can find this by selecting Ability as the OS Issue, then looking at the Theme Browser to see what is within the same quad as Ability, and immediately diagonal to it).
Also, if you get down to that one storyform, Dramatica will, at some point, have filled in that empty Counterpoint page with the Dynamic Pair opposites of all the Issues you have chosen. For example, when I randomly selected enough items to get down to a single storyform (in addition to the OS Issue of Ability that I started with), sure enough, Desire did show up as the OS Counterpoint.
But I already knew to look for the Dynamic Pair opposite of my chosen Issues, so that Desire was no surprise.
Hope this helps!
I think it’s a minor bug, but should correct itself when you are down to one storyform.
Thanks. I knew it was the dynamic pair, but I wasn’t sure if I was doing it wrong.
If the software is updated in the future, it’d be nice to be able to choose a corresponding gist for the counterpoint.