As I work through the StoryGuide, I’ve reached the place of choosing the Main Character’s Concern. I know, without a doubt, that it’s memory since her central problem is something that happened to her as a young child. However, due to the previous (and obviously incorrect) choices that I’ve made, the only MC Concern that my current storyform allows is The Future. Working backward, is it possible to know what Throughline choices would allow me to choose Memory as my MC Concern? Or how can I figure out which choices would allow me to choose Memory? Thanks for any suggestions!!!
Oh, just to clarify, I realize that Memory flows from the purpose of Knowledge, which is indeed a characteristic of my MC. That’s another reason I’m confused!
If you ‘must’ have an MC of Fixed Attitude > Memories, then that will auto-choose an IC of Situation > Past, then a choice for your OS and RS between Activity > Understanding and Manipulation > Developing a Plan.
Basically, if you choose a concern from the top left of a given domain (such as you need for your MC of Fixed Attitude > Memories), then the remaining three domains will also have a concern in their respective top-left quadrants too.
What I’m trying to explain makes much more sense if you are looking at the graphical table of elements when you think about your choices!
You might want to just start a new storyform file and choose Memory as the MC Concern right off the bat. (Although you might want to consider The Past as a possible option there too, especially if you see the MC as a Do-er.)
There are a LOT of storyform choices (literally hundreds) that can disallow Memory as MC Concern!
How does Memory flow from a purpose of Knowledge?
The reason I ask is because I think you’re making assumptions about relationships in the model that don’t exist.