I’ve used Dramatica Pro 1 1/4 times in constructing a complete first draft. I rely heavily on the Plot Sequence Report. I like it very much. I feel like I can create 64 different scenes. Then I can even scrounge up 32 more for a total of 96 if I open the manual up.
Is there another way that folks create other than the PSR? Or is that the definitive way to do it?
I mention Writer’s Dreamkit as well… because I own it too. Since WDK doesn’t have a PSR, I feel a little lost when I try to fiddle with it without this specific tool.
At first, I thought that WDK might be a nice little tool for short stories, but I end up jonesing for the PSR and I abandon it.
Any chance that WDK might be tweaked to fit the world of short story writing a bit better? Right now it feels like a shackled version of DP, but I’d love it to become something else.
I know there is information about short story writing this here:
However, I want WDK to be useful even in the shadow of its big brother. Any suggestions?