Can you build a storyform under a signpost to help increase word count as you are writing a novel

I am writing a story with the OS throughline under Physics.

The first signpost is Learning. The second signpost is Doing. The third is Obtaining. The fourth is Understanding.

In the second signpost I built a complete story form under Doing so the scene could be much stronger. Every event under that story form covered Doing and I connected to the third Signpost.

Have any of you tried creating a story form under a current story form to strengthen a scene or increase the word count for a written piece?

Good idea, I never have tried it like this.

I only used 2 forms recently for a story I am working on to frame the first with the second form

Story Form 1: Time 1986 - asks if someone needs to subordinate into a bigger group for a greater purpose but for the costs of individuality? In Act 3 someone ist killed by the self-willed action of the MC. This forces the MC in the climax to subordinate and sing an agreement to avoid being sent to jail.

Story Form 2: Time 1994 - explores the aftermath ten years later. The MC, the political system has changed, is now accused of negligent murder by the real culprit.

I have tried many things but could get this into 1 form until I have realised I need 2.

The structure I am using is like this

Akt 1
Storyform 2 (1994)
Storyform 1 (1986)
Akt 2
Storyform 1 (1986)
Akt 3
Storyform 1 (1986)
Akt 4
Storyform 1 (1986)
Storyform 2 (1994)

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