@chuntley thanks for the response!
I’m going to try to wrap my head around this for a sec. Help me out if I’m off the ball here.
So, if I’m to really understand your definition by this… — I suppose I’m going to need to watch the video lectures and do a lot of research on this feature to really try to really understand the concept. It’s really confusing concept to wrap my head around – especially how you distinguish between the HOLISTIC vs. LINEAR thinker.
– firstly – MAN & WOMAN — you implore to not think in terms of gender stereotypes. right? but then use this as a defining trait in examples.
And this deeply confuses me – because when you explain the difference, you use a few examples to illustrate your distinctions between the two.
A) ALIEN – Sigourney Weaver is LINEAR [Man]…
B) PRINCE OF TIDES Nick Nolte is HOLISTIC [woman]
Then, you emphasize that it’s really important to not focus on the GENDER TRAITS…
Which is confusing, because in order to illustrate the concept, you use two traditional gender roles reversed in famous characters (ALIEN/PRINCE OF TIDES) – and then you tell me it’s much more complex!
Can you elaborate?
So, I can understand why LAWRENCE is HOLISTIC and WALLACE is LINEAR?
NOTE: I use those two examples [Braveheart/Lawrence], because they’re most related to genre and tone of my current project.
I pulled up the two example files and did a side by side analysis – and when it came to analyzing my own main character’s MENTAL SEX – I was totally lost.
Side note: I’m still somewhat of a newbie to Dramatica. I’m learning as I go (TRIAL/ERROR), but I love the app. I’m trying to understand the theory and set up my story. I’ve been having a tough time with my project. I’ve found out the story is too big, it’s too complex, and it needs to be really tight and concise, at the same time, I don’t want to pander to the audience by portraying a complex story as a black/white — good vs. evil type tale. It’s an ambitious project to say the least, but Dramatica is ideal for this – I have been able to really isolate the themes… However, in DRAMATICA there’s a learning curve! I’m not an expert, but the opposite, and I’m stuck in NEUTRAL AT THE MOMENT!
… Right now, particularly stuck on understanding the THEORY behind DRAMATICA. Because I’m still very new to the process. I like how it doesn’t simplify or quantize, but allows you to compile large dumps of data, then parse out the story and themes that are important – it’s good at really getting organized – especially when I’m like 600 pages into a 30 character film – which is obviously ridiculous! However, the next part of this undertaking will be isolating the main characters, compositing certain characters, and parsing it all down to something simple and concise. Obviously there’s like way TOO much going on – I need to cut and parse, and composite it all… and target and isolate the story and theme! I like the way Dramatica helps with this process… THE BEAST MANUSCRIPT is like 700 pages and 30 characters! haha. I’m cutting! Still trying to understand the theory behind these very alien terms… HOLISTIC THINKING!
what is that???
– using a guide to flesh out my story and using by (mainly) a discrete side by side comparison of BRAVEHEART [William Wallace] & LAWRENCE OF ARABIA [TE Lawrence] – neither character truly fits the archetype of my MAIN CHARACTER: I’m using them as a guide though as I write and flesh out my own script – it’s really difficult for me right now to understand the distinction between these two character traits, their traits and thinking processes – i.e. Lawrence and William Wallace differ — but we’re not talking about the external world or their background or situation or current scenario here… We’re talking about their fundamental approach to dealing with the world and their internal barometer in which they use to reach their overall goals. Right?
I’m trying very hard to get into the character’s head. – I’m looking and analyzing the brains of Wallace and Lawrence – trying to figure out what is distinctively different about the way they approach their problems. The way they think… etc. It’s really hard for me to understand this concept! I may need to buy a dramatica book – because I’m stuck on this – how do LAWRENCE and WALLACE differ?
How do these two characteristics differ… how do they distinguish a fundamental difference of character or approach! How does my own MAIN CHARACTER think and what is similar or different about my MC? I have to understand the concept and definition first. I’m trying very hard, but I don’t understand the nuance between WALLACE & LAWRENCE — it’s apparent that two characters differ, but what distinguishes LAWRENCE a holistic thinker? How is he different from WALLACE in this regards? Trying to understand the Linear thinking attitude. i.e. – it’s very logic based – quantized…? and the holistic thinker is harder to define. Is it that they are more decisive based on emotions vs. logic? Capt. Kirk vs. Spock? I don’t really understand the concept yet. Especially when side by side comparing WALLACE & LAWRENCE.
here’s my take
Lawrence is thinking about “THE BIG PICTURE” – the little things he does on that path are means to get to the end goal, but it’s not the focus on the minutia that drives Lawrence, but this focus on the complex balance of power that world has. His goal is to change the world – not just his life or his direct scenario.
So, for example — William Wallace is sort of, one part a man concerned by his own ambitions. It’s not that he doesn’t care about the others, but his primary focus is driven by a “SMALLER” less complex goal — Wallace doesn’t really seek to change the entire world. he rather seeks to change his own situation above all things. i.e. he is oppressed by the English occupation of his land, seeks independence, also motivated in part by anger, hatred, and revenge. But the balance of the world is not in his purview. He’s primarily focused on his direct little world… i.e. his farm, his backyard, his ability to live without persecution, bullying, or fear by an imperial dominating power.
The difference with TE. LAWRENCE is that he’s not oppressed. He’s sort of living a very comfortable lifestyle at first. Sure, life is boring in the basement of the Cairo branch of UK foreign ministry, but he’s not exactly living a harsh existence. It’s certainly not bad, considering the trench warfare in France he’d be fighting in against the Kaiser! And in comparison to the brutality of nomadic life in the desert, he’s quite comfortable… He’s plush… He’s not being oppressed by anyone really. He’s the top of his food chain — and albeit a bastard… (no father), he’s somewhat of an aristocrat and highly educated dandy, well read, educated… etc. He’s just waiting to ride the WAR out without ever putting himself in harms way… he could easily just sit around and hide in the plush officers lounge, play billiards with the officers and drink cocktails and sleep on fine Egyptian cotton sheets in Egypt’s UK foreign ministry branch.
HOWEVER: Lawrence is upset for this very reason!
He wants to see some action and not sit on his rump and wait the war out — he wants to dig his heels in and take action. However, when he meets the Arabs, he’s clearly not one of them! He’s no ARAB! He’s a rich blonde white englishman! He’s determined to “SLUM” about with the riffraff of the desert. Yet, never will he be like them! When the war is over, he’ll go home and the time he spent nomadically across the desert will be just a memory – an old war story to tell others for braggadocio. His real goal is to make himself a legend – and he manipulates the media and uses leverage constantly to get his way… Not only does he impress his generals and his comrades, but he impresses the arabs. He gains worldwide fame and acclaim by syndicated newspapers — the man driven by ego… He wants to be immortal. He’s found his vehicle towards fame and notoriety and it exists in the destruction of the turks, (*outside of the GENERALS orders) – by himself he’d like to claim to the world, he took down the Ottoman empire, not any help from even his own countrymen and fellow soldiers! He did it alone (with the help of his arab friends)… None of which are dedicated to ARAB UNIFICATION or the lofty idealism or Horseradish that Lawrence sells — they are very small and feeble minded… looking to just get bribes or make money… Mercenaries for hire, and plunder is a perk. but the dreams of running their own nation? It’s laughable to them. And Lawrence is just using it as a way to lift the morale of his arab rebel militia mercenaries… They mostly couldn’t care less either, but Sherif Ali seems to be the ONLY one sold on this concocted idea that LAWRENCE knows deep down inside is a lie!
Lawrence is not interested in the reality of things, he’d rather be motivated by the energy and excitement of battles won. He’s a pre-madonna – but he knows he’s lying every time he sells SNAKE OIL to his ARAB pals… “FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY!” – he sells them… but he knows the British won’t give up their oil interests in the middle east and the key strategic control of the SUEZ CANAL. He knows deep down he’s lying to them… He sometimes catches himself lying to himself. but it’s not even LAWRENCE’S fight! He has no bones to pick. He’s playing a game – albeit a deadly war game, but it’s not about his FREEDOM or his INDEPENDENCE! He’s already been born of privilege – he doesn’t need freedom! He has it already! He’s fighting for glory, fame, and ego… and he’s using leverage to manipulate the situation…
Is that why?
TE Lawrence is a HOLISTIC THINKER because he’s concerned with big goals, he plays the media leverage game, he uses all types of manipulation tactics to achieve his goals (which are diffuse to even Lawrence himself). He employs a different method of achieving goals. Sure, much like Wallace he’s a warrior and fighter, but Lawrence is also very much a political animal, he’s constantly playing mind games and convincing others that their goals are the same as his (albeit, they aren’t) he’s a smooth talker and he plays a crafty and delicate game, weaving snake oil promises, and fluffy dreams of English splendor to the nomads.
William Wallace (BRAVEHEART) is a LINEAR THINKER – He’s being bullied – he’s tired of getting bullied… He decides — “I’m going to kill the ENGLISH and drive them out of SCOTLAND” and by that reasoning – he believes, his problems (i.e. being bullied) will end! He’s very straight forward… He’s got no master plan… He’s playing all his cards though… He’s maneuvering with the SCOTTISH Nobles, Robert The Bruce, Isabella of Spain, etc. He’s employing political tactics to achieve his goal… but his goal and his values are simple at the root of the issue! He wants to just relax and live a humble life without bullying –
but Lawrence is like the opposite… He wants an EXTRAORDINARY LIFE!
He doesn’t want a simple existence – He’s already a free man! He wants fame and notoriety, and he’s playing a giant game (shift of world powers)