Game Theory and Problem Solving Styles

Watch the above video, but replace “Finite players” with “Linear Problem Solvers” and replace “Infinite players” with “Holistic Problem Solvers” and I think it works as a great explanation of the differences between Problem Solving Styles.

Watch this video above for a great explanation of why order of events makes a huge difference.

I’ve seen a better Game Theory video (or maybe it was the Golden Circle video) where he explains the difference between speaking at Microsoft (Finite players) and Apple (Infinite players) that I think is another great example of Linear vs Holistic in the real world, but couldn’t find it again. If you ever come across it, take the time to listen to it.


That story is in the video below around the 30 minute mark. For those interested, I think this guy is extremely holistic-or at least is suggesting a very holistic approach-and is basically trying to fill the role of the You perspective. He even mentions several times that others need to change or flip their perspective. I’d love to introduce him to Dramatica (assuming he hasn’t heard of it) and see what he thinks because he’s basically teaching with it already.


Just popping in to say how much I love Simon Sinek. He’s awesome.


Here’s another example of an Holistic approach from Simon Sinek. He’s looking at direction rather than Goal.

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It’s funny you would post this. Reading his book on Finding your why. I agree. He is a very holistic in his thinking. And his golden circle has some similarities to Dramatica. What, how, why, he omits (or hasn’t figured out the fourth appreciation). That’s the Evaluation part of the quad. I wonder what it should be called. What, How, Why &? (Dunno) :grin:

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How is it? I started to buy it but all the reviews I read said it never actually told you how to find your why or something. That’s probably not right, I don’t remember exactly what the problem was. But I still feel like I should get it.

How about Where/When? As in where do your priorities lie and in what order?

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It’s a good book. Journey before destination. People are seeking a formula where here is none. Rather he offers exercises that make you search deep within yourself. This is pertinent to gaining full self awareness.

I like you thought about Where/When but I’m not sure. The others seem very apt. But this one is elusive for some reason. I’m thinking it might be context sensitive. What do you think?

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That sounds like one of his messages!

Yeah, I just tossed out the When/Where thing. Doesn’t matter what you call it as long as you know it’s evaluations or whatever.

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