Has any one here tried to make their own quads

I’ve been watching a YouTube video called the secret of the quads by Melanie Ann Phillips. She says you can make your own quads if you can satisfy the following relationships:

Dynamic pairs

Companion pairs - horizontal relationships

Dependent pairs - vertical relationships within a quad


@jhull is it accurate to have a quad like this?

Mass – Worn Out Shoe

Energy – Shoe Straps Giving Way

Space – Shoe is used to walk from place to place

Time – Period of time before the show gives way – 3 months

You’re creating your own quad anytime you replace the words in Dramatica with what’s happening in the story you’re writing.

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I have experimented a while with looking for quad structures else where and find meaning using my experience with Dramatica. But I stopped after a while cause it dint really click for me.

Here are a few 4 types of something … I have found:

  • Disc personality test has 4 types
  • Schools of thought (Think … humanly, rationally, Acting …humanly, rationally)
  • Levels of communication (Small Talk, Disclosure, Opinions, Feelings)
  • Levels of Listening (Otto Scharmer) Downloading, Generative, Empathic, Factual
  • Sense of life (Peter Jedlicka) Relationship, Beauty, Activity, Health
  • Levels of Communication (Thun) Factual Info, Appeal, Relationship, Self-revelation
  • Matrix (Eisenhower) Do, Plan, Delegate, Eliminate

If you want to dig deeper searching google for sales or consulting approaches might help. In consulting as well in project management problems usually are broken down into 4 boxes and put on 1 slide

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@Gernot is this quad valid,

Factors affecting my need for good nutrition.

Knowledge - vegetables - need
Thought - nutrition - should
Ability - affordability - can
Desire - pizza - want

outcome success
Judgement - bad
Mc resolve - change
story limit - timelock
Story driver - action
Mc approach - doer
Mc growth - start