How to compose a proper Grand Argument Story?

I am really would like to start writing Grand Argument Stories but my muse is always taking me off-track.

Since a couple of years I am working with dramatica and have finished a first draft for a handful of novellas - thanks to dramatica. Understanding how to incorporate the four througlines took some time but ist getting better day by day.

Where I still struggling with is the “Grand Argument Story”. After having started reviews of two of my first drafts (both Novellas) I stopped later as I felt it was impossible to come up with a proper story mind question or argument. I somehow realized I have written some 50k but nothing what would be a GAS.

The process how I develop a story goes usually like this:

  • start with an idea … reading a line of dialog, a writing prompt, interesting character or newspaper article
  • write scene synopsis, scene outline
  • figure out the theme, add scenes to the outline
  • figure out protagonist, antagonist and goal … its often the toughest part for me before I have written anything
  • look for the inciting event, first plot point, mid point, climax, end
  • set location, setting, …
  • think about the 4 througlines and start dramatica

When I “feel” I have the right story form I either write a short outline for each Signpost and Journey or use the Plot Sequence Report. If the story still feels right I write the first draft. It can take up month before I start writing a first draft.

… upps … I already can see it above … I never really think (explicitly) about my grand ARGUMENT story.

Therefor, last week I tried a new approach (example in brackets to illustrate the process):

  • start with an argument first (e.g. Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces people into thinking we cant lose.)
  • come up with story world, main and influence character, theme, where does it play
  • figure out scenes and outline them (e.g. many different ways of having success and how it can boost our self-confidence in the wrong direction)
  • figure out the right story form in dramatica and write scene outlines for each signpost (Doing … racing, Obtaining … wining the trophy …)
  • start…

I did not start yet with the first draft as I can’t see the story …

But, does this make sense at all, starting with the argument? How do you start and write your GAS?

Hi Gernot,
If you have 4 throughlines and all the story points, you have a Grand Argument Story, even if you’re not sure what the Argument is.

For example, I don’t think many people came away from Pitch Perfect saying “Wow, what a great argument!” but it had a solid storyform. (which is why, combined with the hilarity and great singing, it’s so re-watchable)

Is there something that doesn’t feel right or isn’t compelling about your previous stories? Do you want help to try to figure out what your argument is? (some places to start are the MC Resolve and Judgment – what do those say about the MC’s approach? What happened in the OS, was the Solution embraced, was the Goal reached, and how worthy was the Goal? Also the Crucial Elements – how do those play into your story?)

I definitely wouldn’t start with the argument (too left-brain-y); your Muse might not buy into it. Starting with subconscious (right-brain / Muse) idea, like in your original process, seems much better! Of course, that’s just me…