Main Character in Different Domain but Identical internal dynamics?

I was having periodic clean-up of my notes (copy paste of phrases). And I stumbled upon this phrase:

“So, a Main Character that ends up in the Physics Domain will be seen in a substantially different light than one in the Mind Domain, though their internal dynamics might be identical.”

How can they be identical considering that each domain have different element (problem), variation (issue) and type (concern)?

P.S. The phrase is from an old article of Dramatica. I can’t seem to retrieve it but I’ll add a link if I do find it.

By internal dynamics, they’re probably referring to the relationship between the Domain, Concern, Issue, and Problem of that Throughline (Perspective). Or they’re referring to the actual instance of the Problem itself, in that the same 64 Problems appear in each Throughline.

The internal “mechanics” of the perspective work the same regardless of context (Universe, Mind, Physics, or Psychology–it’s the same four levels). And while the Problems at the bottom truly should be 256 separate different words, the difference between Pursuit within a context of Physics and Pursuit within a context of Mind is so small as to be inconsequential to the meaning of a story.

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Oh thanks for the clarification. Just woke up and I think it could also mean the pairing of quads (i.e. diagonal, horizontal and vertical).