Main Character Mental Sex: Male or Female?

Dramatic book listed the different characteristics of Male and Female:

Female: looks at motivations | Male: looks at purposes
Female: tries to see connections | Male: tries to gather evidence
Female: sets up conditions | Male: sets up requirements
Female: determines the leverage points | Male: breaks a job into steps that can restore balance
Female: seeks fulfillment | Male: seeks satisfaction
Female: concentrates on “Why” | Male: concentrates on “How” and “When” and “What”
Female: puts the issues in context | Male: argues the issues
Female: tries to hold it all together | Male: tries to pull it all together

Let me add a piece of data: about Fight or Flight:

Men were more likely than women to respond to combat. Women are more likely than men to “run away,” seek help from others, or defuse a current danger – “ally and be friendly.” Mothers, in particular, tend to protect their children and seek other people’s help in stressful situations.

This can be mapped to the choice of Methodology Elements, such as Male to RESPONSIVE(Reacts and Re-evaluates) , Female to PRESERVATIVE(Protection and Non-Acceptance) , etc…

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