Hi guys,
Yesterday evening, we ( as in the two us) saw “Spotlight”. It’s topics, the corruption within the Catholic church and the importance of good long-form journalism really hit home, yet we both were sort of well, not as involved as we expected to be… It might be because we didn’t get the MC/OC angle clear. We both had a different take. Anyone care to help us clarify?
My OC in our through line discussion voted for Marc Ruffalo as MC:
In her opinion “Spotlight” explores faith as the ex-priest turned psychiatrist, when he’s asked how Catholics reconcile the abuse scandal with their faith, replies, “My faith is in the eternal. I try to separate the two.”
Marc Ruffalo changes from a dogged investigator to a screaming maniac and ultimately confesses to Sacha that even though he stopped going to church years ago, he always assumed that one day he would go back. “I had that in my back pocket,” he says, glancing at her with a flash of anguish.
I focused on the the way power operates in it’s absence of personal accountability. The story shows that when institutions convinced of their own greatness work together, the truth is buried and the innocent suffer. Breaking that pattern of collaboration is not easy. Challenging deeply entrenched, widely respected authority is very scary.
Then my choice for MC is Walter “Robby” Robinson. . He’s part of Boston’s mostly Roman Catholic establishment and has to come to terms with his own fallibility. He rubs shoulders with an unctuous church P.R. guy and plays golf with a well-connected lawyer who handled some of the archdiocese’s unsavory business. While pursuing a big, potentially career-making scoop, he is atoning for previous lapses and trying to overcome the bureaucratic inertia that is as integral to the functioning of a newspaper as the zealous pursuit of the truth. “What took you so long?” is a question he hears more than once. His shame for overlooking is what’s holding him back to uncover the story. He has to admit he did wrong…
Then the OC is the editor, newly arrived at The Boston Globe from The Miami Herald. He politely dissents from the cardinal’s vision of civic harmony, arguing that the paper should stand alone. And forgives them all for not speaking out earlier.
Does anyone care to elaborate on the MC\OC through lines? I’m also also interested in the story Outcome nuances. So the story is published, Cardinal Law apologized, but fled US justice and is richly rewarded with Vatican citizenship & diplomatic immunity…