Swapping Linear and Holistic characters exercise

So there’s no question or advice or anything potentially helpful in this post. This is just a goofy, fun exercise I’ve been doing where I find a movie and swap the IC and MC characters, but leave everything else the same, and see what the story would look like based on the MCs different problem solving styles. I’m looking at PSS more than the actual character, so the examples I come up with don’t actually match the characters at all.
Star Wars -switching Linear Luke and Holistic Obi-Wan

(O)bi-Wan is at home on Uncle Owens farm cleaning the R2 unit when a message plays. “Help us Obi-Wan,you’re our only hope”.
“Just great,” O says. “One more thing I have on my plate. Well, I guess I have to worry about this too now. I’ll have to stop working on the R2 to find this lady. She’s clearly in trouble and worried, and that has me worried. I need to hurry, but there’s no way I can leave to have an adventure while Uncle Owen needs this R2 unit cleaned and I’m this bummed out. Better spend a few minutes doing some Jedi mind chants while contemplating who might be able to help me on this quest.”

A few minutes later, there is the sound of a landspeeder approaching. Then (L)uke Skywalker busts through the door.

O: What the-? Who are you? What are you doing here?

L: I don’t know. I was out shooting Womp rats when this strange feeling washed over me and I followed it here.

O: you must have come because of my Jedi mind chants. What was the feeling you felt? Was it a disturbance? Like something was out of balance?

L: No, it was more like…well, I have no idea how to explain it, actually. All I knew is I could follow it straight here, like following a dotted line across a map. Well, I found the source of it. Can you just, you know, stop doing whatever that is that called me here?

O: Oh, it’s not that easy. You see I have all these chores to do and I got this message from this lady that’s in trouble, and she seems really stressed, and the whole Force is all out of balance and I just don’t know how to deal with it all…

L: Why don’t you just…fix it?

O: What? What do you mean?

L: You know. Fix it. You’ve got to fix the force, Obi-Wan.

O: You can’t just…fix the force.

L: Sure you can. We’ll just find this lady you say is in trouble and get rid of whatever’s causing her trouble. There, Force fixed.

O: Look, would you stop trying to fix things for just a second and listen?
I’ll stop there because I think it stopped being about Obi-Wan and Luke and started being about me and my wife. :rofl: Anyway, you get the idea. Just something fun I’ve been doing. Thought others might get a kick out of the idea.


I was thinking of some different examples, trying to pick some of my favorites, when I realized, who better than to switch the famously holistic thinker Sherlock Holmes and his linear compatriot, Watson? And then I remembered there’s a joke that encompasses this idea exactly!

Sherlock and Watson are out camping. In the middle of the night, Watson is asleep, when suddenly Sherlock wakes him up.

“What do you notice in this moment, right now?” Sherlock asks.

Watson looks up. “Well, judging by the stars, it’s approximately 3:00 at night. By listening to the crickets chirping, I can say with confidence it’s about 52 degrees out. By the colors on the tops of the trees, you can tell we’re in early fall. With a little more time, I could probably calculate our latitude. What am I missing?”

Sherlock snorts. “The most important detail, my dear Watson. Someone has stolen our tent!”