Where are these words? About Static Plot Story Points

“There are eight Plot Story Points that stand at the center of all four throughlines. They are the story Goal, Requirements, Consequences, Forewarnings, Dividends, Costs, Prerequisites, and Preconditions. All of these story points can be found at the Type level of the Thematic Structure.”------Dramatica Book

But there is no such word in the Dramatica Structural Model. Where are these words?

They aren’t “in” the Dramatica Structural Model because they are all instances of Types from that Model.

For example, in a particular story the Story Goal is Doing, and Consequences is Being/Playing a Role.

Just look at any of the sample analyses and you’ll find all these Static story points. http://dramatica.com/analysis/


They are on the lower left of the Storyform in the program. They are there because they are not part of any given throughline, but part of the Story as a whole.

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