I think that is similar to what I have listed except that I wrote it from the OS POV instead of the Protagonist. I may have swapped the OS throughline and the last signpost. So, I cab rewrite them. But, I think it is important to note that the limit exists for both sides regardless of who set it. Like if it were a bomb with a ticking clock for example or 24 hours until meteor impact or a one mile race or controlling the news of an AWOL princess. It is the last example, the soft edge ones that we were having the most trouble with.
So, I don’t think it is about the agents anymore than in Roman Holiday it is about the Princess’ guards or the photos of her exploits. It is about the thing that limits everyone’s options.
In the Matrix we have the Agents attmpting to suppress The One so people become batteries (Consequence) and the Zionists attempting to achieve superiority over The Matrix (Goal).
Regardless of the side, the decisions drivers and the limit are hand in hand like Chris said. So, which side can gain control over Thomas Anderson before he makes a decision is the Act 1 option lock. Once he chooses the red pill, the agents go to plan B and the Zionists attampt to free Neo’s mind. This ends at the midpoint where Neo decides he is not The One. This essentially allows the agents to go after the codes by capturing Morpheus.
Are you trying to say I can dodge bullets?
No, because when you’re ready, you won’t have to.
I think the bigger issue here is the Drivers as they close out a ring of options.
I’m starting to picture these like concentric circles.
The Roman Holiday analysis really helped a lot because the reporter and the Princess/guards are both dealing with the news of her AWAL getting prigressively louder. Just like petals in Beauty and the Beast. Or roses on the Bachelor. On the bachelor it is each rose disappared by the show over time and the bachelor wants to give it to the right one and the competitors want to win one.
For the Matrix, it is all about controlling The One. How many ways can we get The One to either step up or step down depending on what team we play for.
The climax for the OS is when Neo Dies and pops back up again. Right? Once they kill him and he ressurects, the only option they have left is to send the Sentinels to kill him in the real world.
The Sentinel business is confusing is this RS climax? Is it Signpost 4 climax? Is it a trilogy beat? But, it is setup super early. So, is it part of the OS climax or the final driver?
You know, I think all the soft edge ones are basically wrestling matches. (Also akin to Rock Climbing —my teo favorite sports. — Sorry, Crew team
—You’re third)
I was thinking about my HS Wrestling career and realized it is an optionlock and a timelock even though the matches are timed.
“Wrestling matches do not end in a draw or tie. If at the end of three regular periods, the match is tied up, then the match goes into overtime to break the tie. During the overtime period, the wrestler who scores the first point(s) will be declared the winner. There is no rest between the regular match and the overtime period. The overtime period will begin immediately following the three regular periods with both wrestlers starting in neutral position. If no winner is determined by the end of the one minute overtime period, a second overtime period for 30 seconds will take place.
The 30 second period begins with the wrestler that scored first in the match choosing either the top or bottom position. If there is no score, the referee will toss a disk to determine which wrestler can choose their position to be top or bottom. The wrestler who scores the first point(s) in this 30-second period will be declared the winner. If no score occurs during this final period, then the wrestler in the top position will be declared the winner.”
If the time were unlimited and all wrestling matches were street fights, they would go into death, submission or some other optionlock end.
Essentially, the optionlock is wrestling over The One’s power in the Matrix —who will control it. The same as wrestling over the News/The Princess in Roman Holiday —who will cobtrol that.
Finally, as I’m breaking through over here…I think Holistic people hate tied matches and stalemates. That is part of why timelocks are so annoying to us. They seem so arbitrary. Somehow imposed by an external force.