10 Ways To Conquer The Inner Critic

Oops, sorry @Lakis, I totally forgot about that draft blog post! I blame Christmas and of course my epic (read: stupidly long) novel draft that I’m still working on. Finally published it (the blog post, not the book!) today.

@Hunter, thanks for the great topic. Sorry it took me so long to do a proper response.

Note that none of these have much to do with Dramatica. I’d say Dramatica helps a lot with the “coming up with and validating ideas” part of writing, all the way from the story to the scene level. But my inner editor usually leaves me alone during those stages anyway.

(EDIT: oops, sorry, I meant to post this as a reply to the original topic. I think I had a draft post that messed things up.)


Very useful article! Thanks, Mike. Congratulations on publishing your book too!

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Thanks RA! But nothing is published yet; I’m just 97% done the first draft on my work in progress (about to start writing the denouement).

I did have a short story published in an anthology in December… Which was very cool, but not quite the same thing. :slight_smile:


I did a double-take on your first post-- was about to congratulate you too – then I realized you were talking about publishing the blog post!

On another note: I’ve found a number of the writing exercises in Brian Kiteley’s The 3 A.M. Epiphany and The 4 A.M. Breakthrough to be really useful to get things flowing. I apply them directly to whatever I’m writing as much as makes sense. A couple of these yielded some of my best scenes in my first novel.


Thanks for the recommendation, that The 3 A.M. Epiphany sounds really cool. I might just pick it up.

Oh, and I fixed my post above so as not to be so misleading!

Ah, good to know. Thanks for the clarification. Finishing a first draft (and publishing a short story) is still a great milestone though! :smile:

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