My apologies, give me another try: If the OS folks want to obtain something, according to Dramatica Theory it is necessary to open-up (Future) as MC or learn how to deal with your Basic drives as MC.
Its not Dramatica only it’s also makes sense from a human psychological perspective:
If you want a bigger house (obtain), you might (MC) move into a different neighborhood where you need to be open in the future to commute to work 2 hours, but your spouse (IC) either wants (subconscious basic drives) to stay where you are or move already yesterday.
Is it something different your want your MC to be concerned of, your goal might be not obtaining, it’s something else. This happens very offen in my case, I am totally convinced my goal is something like obtaining until I realize - being in the story forming process - ha, it’s something else.
This is at least the Dramatica model. If you want the OS folks obtain something but the MC/IC should neither concerned with the future or with subconscious - it would be possible, but not with Dramatica.
Consequences and Cost are not always negative, depends on the outcome and your judgement and who your Antagonist is, it can be also very satisfying to get through - at least near the end - even tough it might be not easy to manage