Can an OS Situation or OS Fixed Action story still be action-packed or does it require the action to be toned down so as to be more introspective?
The conflict in the OS will stem from Situation (Universe) or Fixed Attitude (Mind), but the “entertainment part” can still have lots of action. Take Zootopia for example, which has an OS of Fixed Attitude, but also has mystery and chase scenes. They aren’t necessarily a part of the essential meaning of the story, but they do add to the entertainment value, which a good film/book/play/webcomic/whatever must also have.
Here are some examples of stories with a fair bit of action that aren’t in OS Physics.
OS Universe: The Fugitive, Braveheart, Frequency, Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Zeppo” (Season 3)
OS Mind: Zootopia, Home Alone
OS Psychology: The Princess Bride, The Incredibles, Ratatouille
When in doubt, use the analysis filter option on the Dramatica site.
Wait, doesn’t Home Alone have an OS of Mind? Sorry for the nitpick.
Oops! Thanks for catching that. I added that one after posting and was so excited I put it on the wrong row! Fixed.