For my story that I’m working on, I began with a fairly detailed story idea, and created a storyform from it. One problem I’m having is separating the IC Throughline from the OS Throughline. It’s tricky because my IC is important to the OS – an important figure in the world, and the most protagonistic character in terms of the Story Goal.
(This difficulty is compounded, I think, by the fact my OS “plot” ideas are pretty vague. I realize I have outlined a bunch of OS characters with conflicting goals, and a detailed setting, everything full of potential for conflict – but I don’t have a good grasp of what happens once that powder-keg meets its first spark, i.e. what happens in the story!)
I know there is general guidance about the MC Throughline where you can imagine the same character put into a completely different story – what stuff would they take with them and still have their own story? But someone told me once that technique doesn’t necessarily work for the IC because you’re supposed to focus on their impact/influence on the MC.
Are there any good tips for separating the “IC Throughline story” from the other “throughline stories” in your ideas?
I think for now I will try Jim’s (@jhull’s) Playground Exercises – for the IC or maybe even the OS! I don’t really intend on replacing IC or OS wholesale with random gist based exercises, but maybe doing the exercises will spark some ideas.