I have read the theory document once and now I’m proceding to make notes by going over it a second time. I’m stuck on Page 116 titled, “It’s Elemental”. Up until now the text has focused on mapping throughlines to Class members to generate point-of-views. Next it has mapped throughlines to Variations to generate Issues. I’m good with it up until then. Now Page 116 comes out of no where and attempts to define the ‘Element level’. What follows is 3 assertions/defintions of what appears to be a ‘Thermatic Element’. ‘Element’ is a term used extensively in the ‘Character’ section. ‘Element’ is defined as a building block of the character (as opposed to the theme) in the Dramatical Vocabulary. Can someone explain to me what directions/actions I should take from Page 116? Does the term ‘Element’ on page 116 refer to anything previously mentioned in the section on Theme?