Deduction, Induction, Production, Reduction: my take

“Overgeneralizing” is a cognitive distortion describing something like, say, failing a job interview and coming to a conclusion like “I’ll never get a job!” Is that also Induction, or something like Projection, Expectation or whatever?

Sounds like Induction to me - you’re inferring from your job interview that you have little possibility of finding a new job.

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Then what’s the difference between that and the one about projecting how things have been going into the future?

Since so much of Dramatica relies on context, and examples are necessarily brief and lacking context, any particular example is likely to fit more than one element from the table.

So yes, there is a formal difference between Induction and Projection, but you may not be able to tell from one single example what the underlying story point is (the subtext).


Would induction be more like guessing and projection more like assuming?

@mlucas is right with this:

The difference between Induction and Projection is the same as the difference between Faith and Trust–they seem almost exactly the same, until you look at them in context of everything else around them.


I always thought of “production” as “resourceful”; pulling rabbits out of hats and ideas out of thin air.

For reference purpose …deduction vs induction

I had a discussion with a friend today where we couldn’t agree. One side of the argument was narrowing down everything but the other side looked at it with a wider scope.

As reference as well. The topic was also recently discussed here with a nice screenshot for deduction vs induction