I have a story that I’ve been trying and failing to figure out since 2014. Well, ‘story’ is a misnomer. I have key elements I want to use and continue to struggle in working out what the story actually is.
What I absolutely know is that the MC is in Psychology (she hates ‘who she is’ so much that she pretends to be other people), which puts the IC in Activity (which works great, cause it’s a comedy, and I wanted him to be a politician that cannot do anything right – physical comedy is perfect). I’ve flip-flopped on the Driver over the years, and still don’t know if she should be willing or unwilling because I have no idea what the goal is.
The RS is centred around them being divorcees. This one I don’t have a lot of ideas about right now, but I know it’s a growing relationship that ends with them getting together again somehow.
Herein lies my issue. I know what I want to say with the story. The Overall Story is dealing with the British Social Class system. Now, I’m 90% certain that what is in my head is a Fixed Attitude story, but the ‘state’ domains are the two I struggle with most.
I say I’m 90% certain because, in my head, I can envision the multitude of problematic attitudes about taxes/the poor/the rich/Brexit/the homeless/young people/Brexit/non-white people/Brexit/Brexit/houses/Brexit/interior design/universities/etc. Basically, they all just have their opinions and they want other people to know about them. (Can you tell that I’m very much sick of hearing about something?) And the Issues beneath are perfect – Worth/Value/Confidence/Worry.
However, the point I’m trying to make is that it’s an unfair system that depends on where you’re from/your identity/your family/your birthplace/race, etc. Which sounds a lot of Situation-based topics. So, how do I define the difference between the two? It feels like a chicken and egg situation.
So, I tried to look at Growth. My MC is a change character (she drops the characters and accepts herself, rather than trying to ‘fit in’), and it feels VERY strongly like a ‘stop’ story – she’s the one making the problems worse. So, given my thematics, that puts the goal in ‘Preconscious’, which I just can’t seem to envision. It seems too nebulous to work out (“To respond as an upper class person”? “To curb the impulses of the working class?”). I much prefer the Story Goal in Progress (“To move up in the class system”), but the issues beneath that just don’t feel right…
This is the culmination of 4 years of frustrating starts-and-stops, so if anyone has any tips or wants anything clarified, I’d greatly appreciate it.