I keep trying to use Dramatica to map stories, mostly stories I find elsewhere, so I can find the holes. But most of the time, the values I pick create a story that’s completely the opposite of the original story, so obviously my analysis is wrong.
I’ve watched Jim Hull’s clip about dissecting Wizard of Oz, I’ve read “Dramatica for Screenwriters”, but something is just not clicking when I’m analyzing stories.
How do I determine the right elements so that I’m getting the story and not it’s opposite?
Here’s an example story summary I was trying to map.
MC - Rhonda is a psychology major at UCLA, who has fallen for her unmarried professor Chris, and wants to take their relationship from friend to lover. She is working as lab assistant on one of his projects, and when he asks to be involved in another of his projects, she predictably jumps at the chance the spend more time with him. She shows up and learns that involvement in the project, if she accepts, would be becoming the test subject for a study on programming new personalities and behaviors. She likes the thought of being programmed to be someone other than her mousy self, and likes the idea of working with Chris, so she agrees.
Chris (IC?) - is a professor of psychology who brings status to the university through his R&D in psychology studies. His latest published theory has come to the notice of a governmental agency who sees remapping personalities as useful for spies, and has told him to prove his theory or lose all funding. Rather than lose funding and reputation, he has chosen to prove his theory, and has chosen Rhonda as his subject. He asks her to work with him, knowing she’s infatuated with him, and will be easier to program/mold. When she agrees, he knows he’s halfway there.
University / World (OS?) - The university is none too happy about being extorted into what could be considered questionable activity by the governmental agency, and the world at large is pro-choice, anti-mind-control. But with proper PR and promises, they reluctantly agree to the tests.
That’s Act 1/Part 1.
So how do I map this correctly? I keep hearing / reading that the elements are “where there’s conflict”. But when I read through the examples in Dramatica, the examples are not always about conflict but instead desired outcome.
Is the MC throughline a Situation, because of the environment? Is it Activity since she’s trying to get Chris to fall for her, but he’s not being receptive? Is it Manipulation because in her mind she believes she can, through enough effort, make him fall for her?
These are the kinds of questions that keep popping up when I try to map stories. Nothing is ever OBVIOUS.