I’m loving this discussion and these are really good points.
So, to my mind, there’s four things to consider (a quad, who would have guessed?)
- The item itself. What is it’s definition and what is it’s purpose?
- The item’s parent. What other element gives rise to this one?
- The item’s children. What elements does this item give rise to?
- The item’s position within it’s quad. Is it K T A D?
Because the entire model is K T A D repeated over an over, all the differences we see are based on the flavoring or color supplied by the levels above, right? So, Approach / Self-Interest / Morality / Attitude are the same as Rationalization / Commitment / Responsibility / Obligation save for the fact that one is flavored by the Desire of Ability and the other is flavored by the Desire of Desire.
Maybe, maybe not. I’m probably not the best person to answer that.
But … Psychology is internal because it’s in the Desire position, right? Becoming is the Desire of Desire.
You could say Becoming batteries is the consequence of the Matrix, but could it not also be that if they don’t find the Chosen One then they’ll become well and truly defeated? Their entire way of thinking and all of their desires are wrapped up in Neo being the Chosen One, if he’s not, or if he is and is killed, where does that leave them? What part of themselves would they lose or have to give up if that happened?
I know people are being transformed into batteries as part of the storytelling and backstory, but when things get bad and the story hits emotional low points, batteries don’t seem to play much of a part. Where as I can remember the complete devastation they feel when they think Neo is gone / not the one.