How do you find a dynamic storyform?
If you goto the brainstorm tab and Spin-the-Model, you get a storyform with a number value:
This is storyform #16246 (16246 of 32768 possible).
I don’t know if that number is provided anywhere else in the software, but I’m curious if the dynamic-storyform of #16246 would be #32631?
It doesn’t really matter, since you can’t select your storyform by number but…
32768 / 2 = 16384.
Storyform #16247 + 16384 = 32631.
Storyform #16247 - 16384 = -137 (which equals 32631).
How can I manually find the dynamic storyform of a particular storyform? For example, how can I find the dynamic of Harvey? The exact opposite. What steps and in what order do I need to take to create the opposite storyform?
Even if the numbers don’t line up with this idea, I still would like to know how to find this idea.