Dynamic Storyforms

How do you find a dynamic storyform?

If you goto the brainstorm tab and Spin-the-Model, you get a storyform with a number value:

This is storyform #16246 (16246 of 32768 possible).

I don’t know if that number is provided anywhere else in the software, but I’m curious if the dynamic-storyform of #16246 would be #32631?

It doesn’t really matter, since you can’t select your storyform by number but…

32768 / 2 = 16384.

Storyform #16247 + 16384 = 32631.

Storyform #16247 - 16384 = -137 (which equals 32631).

How can I manually find the dynamic storyform of a particular storyform? For example, how can I find the dynamic of Harvey? The exact opposite. What steps and in what order do I need to take to create the opposite storyform?

Even if the numbers don’t line up with this idea, I still would like to know how to find this idea.


What’s an anti-storyform?

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The story that is farthest away and everything that Harvey is not – in this question.

Does it begin with flipping the domains? Then what is the next step?

I changed all references to anti to dynamic. I thought it was explained fairly well in the original post, but I just removed all instances of anti to avoid arguments over semantics.

I think stories with different domains can be more similar than stories with the same domain. It all depends on the relative location of squares under the domain.

My own personal belief is that “farthest away” kinda implies a linear positioning of all story forms. But, if we think of each attribute of a story as its own orientation line or orientation plane (in the case of dynamic squares), then it doesn’t make sense to think of storyforms “farthest away”.

Think of a circle. Or a color wheel. There are dynamic colors. Once again, semantics… but two colors on the wheel make each other pop. They are dynamic regardless of whether you want to see them as farther apart or not.

Agreed that stories in different domains may seem similar. I don’t know if I’d say the same about storyforms in dynamic domains.

Also, agreed that stories could have similarities on the micro levels but not the macro levels. And vice versa. I’m just looking for the idea of dynamic on all levels.

These Ids are arbitrary in one sense, and not so much on another.
Are you familiar with binary numbers?
The Id can be written in 15bit. For instance, your example, 16246, would be 011.1111.0111.0110. The ids start with 1 instead of 0 though, so 16246 would actually be represented by 011.1111.0111.0101.
The first eight digits are about Limit, MC Resolve, Outcome, Judgment, MC Growth, Driver, MC Approach, MC Problem-Solving Style - in that order. The rest is determined by domains, concerns, issues and stuff.

the “opposite” of 16246 (011.1111.0111.0101; steadfast, start, be-er, linear, decision, timelock, failure, bad, physics, learning, prerequisites, certainty) would be 16523 (100.0000.1000.1010; change, stop, do-er, holistic, action, optionlock, success, good, universe, the past, interdiction, inequity)

Basically, to get the “opposite”, all you have to do is change all binary choices to their opposite. the rest is kinda arbitrary.

25579 - 110.0011.1110.1010 - steadfast, stop, be-er, holistic, decision, optionlock, success, good, psychology, becoming, commitment, avoidance

7190 - 001.1100.0001.0101 - change, start, do-er, linear, action, timelock, failure, bad, psychology, being, ability, accurate

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Thanks for taking the time Bob. How come psychology doesn’t flip to physics?

When I first decided to flip a storyform, I just started with from the top and worked my way down, but I found that things were being locked in that didn’t fit the idea of dynamic all the way down to the micro.

So, I wondered if there was a certain order that the questions should be answered.

In some ways, I wonder if the anti-Harvey (not-Harvey, dynamic-Harvey) would be the Antagonist’s storyform.

The reason that I am interested in this idea of dynamic storyforms. I want to start investigating PRCO as subjective for each scene with all involved having their own PRCO.

“Changed” Storyforms and “Steadfast” Storyforms use different “fix points.” The OS Domain is the same, but he MC Domain is completely different.

This much makes perfect sense to me. Applying the concept of opposite to the gestalt of the rest was confusing me.

I just tried to do that with my current story form and it didn’t work. Apparently, not every story form has an opposite.

what was your current story form?

TLW April 10.dr5 (257.5 KB)


Your Original: 17709 - 100.0101.0010.1100 - Change, Start, Be-er, Linear, Action, Optionlock, Success, Good, Universe, Future, Preconception, Control

The “Opposite”: 15060 - 011.1010.1101.0011 - Steadfast, Stop, Do-er, Holistic, Decision, Timelock, Failure, Bad, Universe, Progress, Threat, Determination

Every storyform has its “opposite” just take your id and subtract it from 32769. 32769 - 17709 = 15060

You said, [quote=“YellowSuspenders, post:10, topic:1652”]
change all binary choices to their opposite. the rest is kinda arbitrary.
[/quote] but it doesn’t look like that’s what you’ve done here.

All eight binary choices (MC Resolve, MC Growth, MC Approach, MC Problem-Solving Style, Driver, Limit, Outcome and Judgment) are the opposite.
The other choices are not binary (i.e., they have two options) but rather quarternary (i.e., they have four options).

Are Universe, Future, Preconception, Control or Universe, Progress, Threat, Determination [quote=“bobRaskoph, post:6, topic:1652”]
kinda arbitrary.

Yes. All that really means is that they have “opposite” ids in the software.
What you do with that information is up to you.

I’m really trying to understand this. I swear I’m not trying to be difficult.
You said

You also said

That implies that
“Universe, Progress, Threat, Determination” are arbitrary and that, therefore,
Steadfast, Stop, Do-er, Holistic, Decision, Timelock, Failure, Bad, Activity, Doing, Enlightenment, Ending"
is also an opposite of
“Change, Start, Be-er, Linear, Action, Optionlock, Success, Good, Universe, Future, Preconception, Control”

Sort of, yes. Your version would not have the “opposite” id, but is, for all I know, just as “opposite” as my version.

I keep putting “opposite” in quotation marks, because, as far as we know, these ids have no meaning at all. The only place where they appear is the Spin-the-Model brainstorming tool.

It’s easy to see that you can get opposites for the binary choices, but for the quaternary ones?

If one storyform has Start, Be-er, Universe for instance, and you want to make the “opposite” Stop, Do-er… then the “opposite” can’t be anything other than Physics or Universe, even though Mind would seem more dynamic than either of these two.

As far as I’m concerned, any storyforms can be “opposite” as long as:

  1. the eight binary choices are different
  2. they have dynamic os concern positions.

This is the issue though. Why are you trying to understand this? Right now this seems merely like a neat thought experiment, without a clear purpose.
Here’s a thought: shouldn’t we consider storyforms “opposite”/“anti” if they argue against each other?
If Manchester by the Sea argues

“Everyone suffers the tragic consequences of understanding some things weren’t meant to be when you stop wanting to improve the situation”

couldn’t an “opposite” storyform argue

“Everyone suffers the tragic consequences of understanding some things weren’t meant to be when you keep wanting to improve the situation”

or even better

Stop wanting to improve the situation and you can materialize the deceased father’s plan for the uncle to figure into his son’s life”

That’s like asking a cosmologist why they study and try to understand dark matter. I study and try to understand it because it is there. That’s part of what makes us human.

That’s a very, very good question and is the answer that I’d go with, myself. But, I can have my answer and seek to understand Dramatica’s answer at the same time.