Given that the Dramatica grid is a fractal, any quad at any level contains an Activity square in the upper right corner, a Situation square in the upper left corner, a Manipulation square in the bottom left corner, and a Fixed Attitude square in the bottom right corner.
That means that any plot point which is a quad is composed of four squares, one in each corner, representing Activity in the upper left, Situation in the upper right, etc.
For example, if Goal were Gathering Information, it would be composed of Prerequisties == Situation, Strategy == Activity, Analysis == Manipulation, and Preconditions == Fixed Attitude.
Given, also, know that each of those corners of the grid represents a different through line. Situation might represent MC, Activity might represent OS, etc.
Can we conclude that, if Prerequisites (within Gathering Information) == Situation and Situation == MC Throughline, then Prerequisites == MC Throughline?
So, if Goal were Gathering Information and Situation represents MC, and Activity represents OS, then can Goal == Gathering Information be seen as
Prerequisites == Situation == MC,
Strategy == Activity == OS,
Analysis == Manipulation == RS, and
Preconditions == Fixed Attitude == IC?
Does this mean, then,
(if the MC Throughline == Situation) that the Goal ==Gathering Information is manifested (within the MC Throughline) in Prerequisites