I’m not sure what you mean that Goal/Consequence and Cost/Dividends are dynamic pairs in the Theme Browser.
Let’s take The Matrix, which has a Story Goal of Obtaining
. The dynamic pair of Obtaining
is Doing
. But when the Goal is Obtaining
the Consequence is Becoming
(aka Changing One's Nature
), which is way diagonally across the Theme Browser, not a dynamic pair.
Oh, but I think I see what is bothering you now… The Requirements and Forewarnings Types will always be horizontally or vertically across (but far across, not part of the same quad) from each other, never diagonally, in the Theme Browser. This is because Requirements is always a Type within the OS Domain, and Forewarnings is always a Type within the MC Domain, so they can never be diagonally across. Same with Preqrequisites/Preconditions, which are Types in RS and IC Domains respectively.
So what’s bothering you is that some of those p.178 dynamic pairs will have horizontal/vertical relationships between their Types’ parent Domains, rather than diagonal ones.
Again, I don’t think it matters, because the p.178 diagram is saying something else. Its context is different than the Theme Browsers. (like my chemistry example, which is admittedly imperfect)
And anyway I would not worry about that p. 178 diagram much. I think it’s far more important just to understand the definitions of the Static Story Points (what is a Forewarning, what is a Requirement), and to understand the Types themselves.